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The Emergency Line for 911 Dipatchers.

Screen for 911 Supervisor for ConsoleALERT by Sustema
ConsoleALERT logo by Sustema

ConsoleAlert® provides instant insights on the status, activities, and performance of teams. Specifically developed for 911 emergency call centers (PSAP) applications, ConsoleALERT® lets operators request assistance from their supervisors directly from their console. ConsoleAlert® enables 911 dispatch centers and PSAPs to streamline communication between operators and supervisors 24/7.

Request Help

Operators simply press on the button from their workstation to send a help request to the PSAP supervisor.

Alerting System

PSAP supervisors are instantly notified via the ConsoleAlert® application or through the status light.

Take Over the Call

Once connected, the supervisor can take over the call and provide further assistance to the caller.

911 Control Room Consoles & Tv on Wall.png

How Does It Work?

ConsoleAlert® provides instant insights on the performance of you team with personalized live status icons identifying the activities performed by each operator. Control room and PSAP supervisors can rest assured their team is taken care of with ConsoleAlert® instant notifications to help them quickly identify the location of the operator requesting assistance. 


Help Request

When activated, an alert is sent to the supervisor desktop to quickly identify the location of the operator.

On The Phone

The phone icon identifies which operators are currently responding to an emergency call. 

On the Radio

The radio icon identifies operators that are currently communicating with first respondents.


Increased Productivity

ConsoleAlert® provides insights the number of help requests and call response times for training purposes.

Status Light

Consoles may be equipped with a
programmable status light sending visual alerts which identify different situations.


Usage Database

Integrated journal log of the active/inactive times for each workstation & console maintenance database.

Let Us Know How We Can Help!

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