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5 Questions to Ask When Purchasing Control Room Consoles


1) What kind of schedule should I plan for my room?

While no two projects are the same and timelines may vary. Having a specific date in mind to have the project completed can make it easier to "reverse engineer" the whole process and determine when consoles need to be ordered. On average, it takes approximately 8-10 weeks to receive the consoles at your facility from the date that the designs and purchase order (P.O.) are approved. For example, if the center needs to be operational by January 1, 2025, the P.O. and final designs must be approved by the second week of October 2024 at the latest. Learn more about the process of buying consoles for your control room.

2) What budget should I plan for my control room?

Built exclusively for mission-critical work environments operated 24/7, 365 days a year, consoles require high-quality materials that can withstand intensive usage. Typically, depending on the level of customization, built quality, and service, control consoles can cost anywhere between $5,000 and $40,000 per workstation. Control consoles also need to be designed to integrate different types of equipment such as computers, cables, and multiple monitors without affecting the workspace of the operators. For instance, height-adjustable consoles minimize stress on the body that comes from working 10+ hour shifts in a sitting position. Learn more about the pricing of control room and dispatch consoles.

When considering upgrading your process control furniture, it is important to have a long-term mindset. You will be investing in equipment that will last 10–15 years before your next furniture upgrade. It is also important to keep in mind the needs of the end-users, the IT staff who will be in charge of working with the furniture, and oftentimes others, such as architects if it is a new building project.

3) Should I go with fixed or height-adjustable surfaces?

Single surface process control consoles like the Focus C-200 Series are available in two formats: fixed work surface or height-adjustable work surface. The number of monitors, CPUs, and other IT equipment needed on the console will influence the type of surface that it will require. This is why it is important to understand how the console will be used by the operators. Other factors may include the amount of time spent by the operators at their workstations, the cable management system, and power requirements.

Dual surface control center consoles offer the greatest flexibility in terms of ergonomics, functionality, and technology. The electrically height-adjustable surfaces can be raised or lowered independently from each other, enabling users to set their preferred height for monitors and for their mouse and keyboard. In other words, the primary surface serves as the workspace for users, and the secondary surface serves as a support for the monitors. Since users can set their preferred height on each surface, dual surface consoles offer a more comfortable work experience in both the sitting and standing position. Learn more about the difference between fixed heigh and height-adjustable consoles.

4) How to choose the right console model?

Because each industry control room may require its own type of consoles to be configured uniquely based upon the consoles dimensions, design, and functionalities, a variety of different consoles are available in the marketplace, such as the Transit C-300, the Focus C-200, and the Access C-100. But regardless of the industry, all control rooms and console ergonomics must be able to maximize workspace efficiency and mitigate all possible risks such as indoor traffic accidents, hazardous disasters, etc.

5) What warranty does the manufacturer offer?

Sustema stays committed to providing the most advanced and ergonomic console solutions. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we are now one of the leading console manufacturers in North America. Sustema offers a limited lifetime warranty on its control room consoles. At Sustema, our commitment to high-quality management and controls allows us to provide our customers with the best guarantees in the market. Even after a project is completed, our experienced support team is available for any inquiries related to our products and services. Learn more about our console warranty policy.


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