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Case Study: PSAP


The Project

Faced with both an ageing emergency communications center (PSAP) and increasing demand for quicker response times, a leading medical response organization decided to retire an old communications center and build a next-generation techsavvy replacement. The 911 communications center is responsible for handling 24/7 emergency telephone responses, telephone support and offering medical assistance to callers. Sustema was selected to undertake the project as the preferred supplier following a tendering process among major manufacturers.

Transit Series C-300

The Solution

For this project, Sustema installed 13 Transit Series C-300 dispatch console systems. The consoles are configured in different clusters to group emergency call takers, first respondent dispatchers, and call center supervisors. The highly flexible two-tiered consoles can support multiple LCD monitors and include large storage areas. The consoles are equipped with retractable socket outlets within the work surface to allow for easy access to the network and power supply. The wall structure is used for cable management storing both power and network cables to reduce clutter underneath the console. The cockpit shaped console is supported by four (4) heavy-duty actuators providing the workstation with superior stability. PSAP users working with the new, state-of-the-art consoles now receive more consistent and better results due to the advantages of the ergonomic workstations.

About Sustema

With over 20 years of experience designing and manufacturing technical furniture for critical environments, Sustema offers tailored solutions for the specific needs of PSAP work environments.


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