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- Surface Anti-Collision Sensor
Surface Anti-Collision Sensor Sustema’s surface collision sensor is designed to protect users from accidental injuries and to prevent consoles from causing material damage in case of a collision with other equipment. The anti-collision system automatically stops the downward movement of the console surface once an obstruction is detected. When meeting a point of resistance, the height-adjustable surface returns to its original position. The surface anti-collision sensor can be installed on Sustema's products as an added feature for more safety. These products include control room consoles, 911 dispatch consoles, trading desks, technology meeting tables, and much more. Key Properties: High sensitivity for immediate activation, senses soft and hard obstacles. System functions independently of load and temperature. Reacts to load changes, making it sensitive to obstructions close to the lifting column. Actuation Force Range: 1 lb (4.5N) - 5 lb (22N) Overtravel Range: 0.040 in - 1.0 in Contact Information Tel: 1-800-455-8450 Email:
- The Operator (Short Film)
The Operator Written and directed by Caroline Bartleet, Operator won the BAFTA for Best Short Film in 2016. Set entirely in an emergency call center, it tells the story of one particular call, handled by Scotswoman Laura (Kate Dickie). Gemma has apparently woken up to discover a fire in her house and her young son, Jamie, is trapped upstairs. Despite Laura asking Gemma to stay downstairs, the latter cannot refrain from trying to save her son. With both mother and son now trapped in an upstairs bedroom, will Laura be able to keep them safe until the fire engine arrive? No matter the outcome, Laura will have another call to handle straight after. And another after that. If you like the BAFTA-winning Operator by Caroline Bartleet, be sure to rate it and share it. NENA TC Tip: Do I have PTSD? In this video, Dr. Michelle Lilly takes us in the Center to help correct the assumptions about PTSD and helps us understand the difference between PTSD and other conditions.
- Video Wall Systems for Mission Critical Operations
Modular & Self-Standing Video Wall System Mission Critical Operation Centers like 9-1-1 Communications, EOC, SOC, Energy & Utility & Port Authorities are highly focused environments demanding an intense amount of technology with a continuous flow of information from multiple sources. Fast and accurate decision-making relies on real-time data from multiple sources and is often displayed on video wall systems. Sustema’s Video Wall systems help organizations with greater 24/7 situational awareness through advanced monitoring of media feeds, local events happening in real-time and provide the big picture view for better response in allocating resources in the right place at the right time. Emergency Operations Center Imagine a scenario where a fully capable emergency operations center may synchronize 911 responses with disaster response in one location unifying efforts during a disaster or major event. The capability of an operator to control the content on the video wall such as centralizing security cameras, media feeds and geo-mapping location data is critical to help promote a safer and more accurate response on the field. By integrating a video wall system, you increase the capability for teams to work independently and collaboratively with increased visibility on police, fire, and EMS in their current physical environment and situation. Leveraging live feeds from what is happening on the field allows dispatchers to better assist in influencing real-time decisions. For example, when a flood or natural disaster occurs, it gives the operation center the ability to assess a critical situation from a remote location using true real-time networks displayed through a video wall system. The video wall also empowers an operator working independently from their workstation to display critical content for collaborative discussion. Security Operations Center In the case of the Security Operations Center, a video wall has the potential to accelerate response times giving the flexibility for personnel to react quickly in tense situations as they happen. Consider the scenario of a critical incident where a SOC team member focused on the CCTV security cameras will need to formulate a quick decision in order to dispatch the right support to the required location in order to meet a successful resolution. Custom-Made Video Wall System Sustema has over 20 years of experience helping mission-critical operations including concept, design, and execution into first-class mission-critical communication centers. Built for 24/7 applications Sustema's modular video wall structure is specifically designed to meet the needs of each application. Certified by our team of industrial designers, the heavy-duty steel frame ensures the strength and stability of the system. The control room video wall can be used as a self-standing system or anchored to the floor, making it easy to install and adapt to any environment. The various bracket systems and horizontal beams allow users to easily configure the monitors at the desired height on the video wall. We bring all aspects of your operational space into consideration including console layouts, video wall placement and sightlines, acoustics, workflow, and more. Our experts help you analyze your needs and create the ideal command center layout. Toll-Free: 1-800-455-8450 Email: Download the Video Wall Brochure
- Height-Adjustable Industrial Workbenches for Manufacturing
The Evolution of Production Lines At Sustema, not only do we make great consoles for control centers, we also design, manufacture, and install workbenches that are used in various industries including IT, process control, and high-tech manufacturing environment. In this article, I will focus on our height-adjustable workbenches used in high-tech manufacturing. Since the creation of assembly lines, industrial shelving and workbenches have been used to store tools and various equipment, allowing workers to perform their daily tasks. With today’s highly technological world, the assembly line has transformed itself, more so in the high-tech manufacturing sector, where the IT equipment is a necessary production tool, as well as electrical/air connectors, bin storage, and lighting/magnifying options, just to name a few. Electric Height-Adjustable Workbenches (EHAW) It may be practical for operators to be able to adjust the height of the work surface, when working with a heavy component to assemble, or simply to be able to perform the work standing, which is known to be healthier. Thanks to Sustema's high-end actuators and knowledge in designing height-adjustable desks, our benches can easily lift anywhere from 500 lbs up to more than 1500 lbs, depending on the structure of the workbench and the worksurface material. There are also quite a few options to choose from for the work surface, typically we’ll provide a high-pressure laminate finish on a 1’’ high-density particleboard, but depending on your environment and requirement we can provide a wide range of finishes such as compact, high-pressure laminate with Chemtop, (for chemical resistance), Stainless steel or Dekton (for high-temperature resistance) and ESD mats. Custom Features & Accessories The structure and substructure of the work surface, as well as the backing, are all built out with a heavy-duty steel frame. You can choose from a wide variety of color options to make sure it fits the design you are going for. Just like our consoles, our adjustable workbenches series comes with a lifetime warranty because they are built just as strong. If you decide to integrate a lot of electrical components to your bench, we can also take care of making your bench CSA certified. Since all the components are integrated into the bench directly, it makes it much easier to move and relocate the benches on your production floor in the future. Design, Manufacturing & Installation In conclusion, we can help you design the perfect workbench for your production line that will enhance productivity, team morale, and reduce the risk of accidents by providing a clutter-free and organized workspace. We will also take care of manufacturing the workbenches and installing them at your facility. Given that the possibilities are endless in terms of configuration and options, make sure to get in contact with your Sustema representative and start designing a workbench that will push your assembly line to the next level! Email: Toll Free: 1-800-455-8450 Website:
- How to Disinfect Your Dispatch Consoles During COVID-19?
Why do 911 dispatch centers, EMS, and PSAPs require preventative maintenance & regular console cleaning? Command centers, control rooms, and 911 dispatches are essential organizations responsible for the safety of communities and large business operations. Today's unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic situation has brought its own set of challenges for businesses across the globe. This brings a new set of challenges for control room environments as operations rarely stop with continuous shifts and employee rotations 24/7, 365. In this article, we will present applicable preventive measures to help maintain proper cleaning and maintenance procedures in the control room which are also necessary to extend the life of your consoles. 6 Ways To Keep Dispatch Console Work Surface Clean: You can prevent the spread of germs by keeping your personal space clean and germ-free. Here are the areas most likely to spread germs and how you can keep them from causing illness. 1) Choose a Product that Cleans & Disinfects at the Same Time: When cleaning public spaces, choose products that clean and disinfect all at once (e.g. premixed store-bought disinfectant cleaning solutions and/or wipes when available). Cleaning products remove germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces by using soap (or detergent) and water. Cleaning does not necessarily kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection. On the other hand, disinfecting products kill germs on surfaces using chemicals. Use only approved hard-surface disinfectants that have a Drug Identification Number (DIN). A DIN is an 8-digit number given by Health Canada or other certified products that confirm the disinfectant product is approved and safe for use in your country. (Source: Government of Canada). For U.S. based PSAPs, you can find information on the CDC website. 2) Declutter your Workspace & Keep Essential Equipment Only: Rid your work surface of all unnecessary clutter. Keeping fewer things on your work surface seems so simple and is yet so often overlooked. Only keep the essentials easily accessible and visible, everything else can be a distraction and is taking up prime workspace real estate. For example, keyboards, computer mouses, radios, and CAD tablets. 3) Disinfect Your Work Area Before Leaving: Before leaving, take a few minutes to clear your work surface from anything you may not have had time to do during your workday. This is a good way to not only close out your day but set yourself up for a productive clean start tomorrow. It is highly recommended to use a one-way wipe down. Wiping down a surface in one direction and not going back over it in the opposite direction will help ensure you do not deposit germs the area that was just cleaned up. Routinely wiping down high-touched surfaces such as workstations, countertops, equipment, accessories, and doorknobs is also an effective way to reduce the spread of germs inside the PSAP. Here is a list of some high-touch items that need to be cleaned before and after switching shifts in the emergency communications center. - Computer Keyboard: A case study conducted by a UK consumer watchdog organization revealed that office keyboards have as many germs as office restrooms. However, it is more likely that the restrooms are being cleaned regularly by the maintenance crew. This is why sanitizing the keyboard before starting your shift is a good habit to take even without the current COVID19 situation. If you want to be more thorough, you can use a dip cotton swab in a mild cleaning solution and wipe the surfaces between each key. Then, use a lint-free cloth and the cleaning solution to gently wipe all other surfaces. - Computer Mouse: It is not unusual to find 2 or 3 keyboards and mouses on each workstation in the PSAP. Similarly, computer mouses are handled as much as the keyboard and should be cleaned regularly. Someone may reach over to grab your mouse without asking, and contamination may occur. Simply wiping down with sanitizer cloth can make the difference. - Phones/Headsets & Radios: When we speak, small saliva particles splatters off of our lips and spittle in the mouthpiece of our phones or headsets. These should ideally be replaced yearly, if not every six months. During COVID-19 times, it could also prove wise to have a dedicated phone for each operator. To clean it, use a slightly damp washcloth with minimal hand soap and wipe down any place with grime. Spray with aerosol and let air dry completely. After scrubbing your headset down, carefully test to see if either end of the headset can be removed for more thorough cleaning. It is important to note that your phone harbors germs from your hands, ears, face, and mouth. Sanitizing your phone before you take one more call. - Chairs: 24/7 ergonomic chairs have arms that we touch with our hands as we sit, stand, or drum during idle time. Someone may come into your workspace and borrow your chair to use your computer or to sit and chat with a coworker. Consider everything you touch in a day, wiping your mouth, your nose, eating, sneezing, and then we touch our chair to stand or sit down when pushing it in and out from our desks. These should be cleaned weekly and wiped down with antibacterial wipes before and at the end of each shift in the PSAP. 4) Avoid Eating at Your Workstation: Food crumbs can be a breeding ground for bacteria or germs. Keeping snacks sealed in airtight containers can help reduce leaving crumbs on the workstation. However, the best option is to avoid having lunch at your desk. 5) Promoting Social Distancing: We recommend splitting up teams and using back-up control rooms to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to the entire team. Consider placing one team in the primary PSAP and another team in the backup control room to promote social distancing. This way, if one team gets infected, only half of the workforce is out of commission. If not currently possible, it can also help to consider having a physical separation between workstations. Sustema introduced ConsoleShield as a means to protect operators with a physical plexiglass barrier between each console. ConsoleShield serves to block the spread of air particles produced when coughing or sneezing. Learn more about our custom made plexiglass protectors. Conclusion: In conclusion, the effectiveness of regular handwashing is undeniable and one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of the virus to others. If soap and water are not readily available, you can always use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. For more information on how to protect yourself and others during the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit the CDC website or the Canadian government website. Sources: Cleaning and disinfecting public spaces during COVID-19 (Gov. of Canada) This document provides guidance on cleaning and disinfecting of public settings, including schools, universities, public libraries, museums, public transit, communal residences, and workplaces. #disinfectingdesk #cleaningworksurface #cleaningdesk #covid19 #psap #ems #publicsafety #911dispatch #ems #tips #controlroom #commandcenter #console #plexiglass #plexiglassbarrier #plexiglassprotector
- Timelapse: Control Room Console Installation - Transit C-300
Sustema presents the installation of the Transit C-300 control room console on a timelapse video. The Transit C-300 console is designed for the needs of mission-critical applications such as control room and command center work environments. Industries using this type of technical furniture include public safety (911 dispatch centers, PSAPs), manufacturing, energy & utility plants, security (government or private), and transport such as air traffic control, maritime traffic control and road traffic control centers. Consoles differentiate from standard office furniture by their ability to provide all the power and technology required by the operator equipment. Learn more #controlroom #commandcenter #timelapse #dispatchconsole #cctvmonitoring #publicsafety #nasa
- 5 Questions to Ask When Purchasing Control Room Technical Furniture
Working on a custom project such as building a new control room or renovating an existing one can sometimes be an overwhelming experience. A lot of companies will say they are the best at customer service, design, engineering, and customer relationship management, so what are the questions to ask when looking into buying new console furniture for the control room? In this article, we will go over some essential questions to ask your furniture provider when purchasing control room or dispatch consoles. 1) Ask: What can they guarantee in writing that their competition can’t match? For example, Sustema can guarantee to meet or exceed all ANSI BIFMA (Ergonomic Standards) criteria. 2) Ask: What is your warranty program? This is an important question as to the stronger the warranty the more confidence that the company has in its product. At Sustema we believe anything that we manufacturer ourselves we back up with a lifetime warranty and state that in writing. 3) Ask: What are the questions you would ask me? Turn it over on the company to ask the right questions and get you talking. They should be the experts to guide you. Here are a few examples a good company would you ask you if you're buying technical furniture: Tell me about the layout of the room that the furniture will be going into? Tell me about the current work environment and what you liked and what could be improved? You will notice that the console below has two height-adjustable independent worksurfaces. This gives more ergonomic flexibility to your operator, were you planning for one worksurface so far or were you looking at two independent such as on the image below? The company you select should have a very good level of detail when asking questions to make it easier for you to answer them. Visuals are a great way of doing that and painting a picture. 4) Ask: Can you please summarize what we talked about and send it to me in a word/pdf document? The company you engage with should be detailing notes to send back to you for review. In my experience clients often add small yet crucial details 24 hours after the initial conversation. 5) Ask: After our initial discussion what are the next steps? The purpose of this question is to talk about the terms of moving forward. For me at Sustema I would be telling the client I will move forward with an estimate and often times a drawing with absolutely no pressure or monetary payment required. If a company successfully engages in those steps and more you will be in great hands. At the very least you will save a lot of time in selecting the next company you choose to do business with. Mark Meschino Account Executive at Sustema
- 3 Simple Things That Can Help you Stay Grounded During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 Pandemic has significantly changed the lives of most people both professionally and personally. It has caused many to feel anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed. While many things related to the pandemic are out of our control, there are a few things we can do for ourselves that can help lessen the negative impact on our lives. The following are 3 simple things you can do starting right now to feel better. 1. Breathing Practice breathing exercises: When we have a stress response our heart rate increases; muscles get tight and breathing becomes shallow and rapid. To counter this effect we can induce a relaxation response by slowing our breathing down. To do that, put a hand on your stomach and breath in slowly for 4 seconds from your nose, hold for four seconds, and exhale from your mouth for four seconds. Repeat for 2-5 minutes. Research has shown that just doing these breathing exercises a few times a day can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. 2. Limit Social Media & News. While there are many positive aspects of social media, the negative impacts can have a profound effect on our mental well-being. It's important to be able to audit our social media diet and evaluate if what we are taking in is good for us. Just ask yourself a few questions. Does the social media I look at add to my well-being? Am I partaking because it genuinely interests me? Do I consume responsibly and safely? The news media that we take in on a daily has an impact on our thinking, behavior, and our emotions. If you watch the news regularly there is a lot of news on the COVID-19 situation locally and nationally. Staying up to date on health updates and mandates is important but overindulging in all the negative can have a great impact on our overall well-being. With that in mind, the goal is to find the balance between feeling informed and educated on the situation at hand while not becoming totally overwhelmed by it. 3. Exercise Being physically active is not only good for our body but it can have a great effect on our overall mental wellbeing. With as little as 20 minutes a day, the benefits for well being are well documented. Exercise can change the brain in very positive ways including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being. It also releases powerful chemicals in your brain called endorphins that can lift your spirits and make you feel good. It can also reduce anxiety and stress. Exercise can also serve as a healthy distraction to break away from negative thoughts and feelings. Whatever exercise you choose to do, is a good exercise and a healthy choice for mental wellbeing. Remember to reach out to professionals if you feel the need, there is no shame in asking for help.
- Power and Data Port Options for Control Room Consoles
Control room and dispatch consoles are made in a way where electronic devices (CPU, PDU, Cables) can be stored ergonomically, clutter-free and securely by being housed custom-designed cabinets (you may read more on it here). While those are all great options to keep your computer secure and your workspace clean, the access to those devices ports to connect devices on and off are not perfect for your operators, therefore the quick access monuments, popups, or cubbies shown in this article will come in handy for sure. If you’re in the process of choosing and designing your console model with your Sustema representative, we can plan a cut-out space in the work surface to fit your retractable monument, or if you’re retrofitting it on existing consoles we have options that can be clamped easily. There are many options to choose from, beginning with where and how we want the connections to be made available. Then we must choose how many and what type of connector we will need. Here are a few possibilities; 15A power receptacle, USB charger, USB 3.0 extension, USB-C, Cat6, HDMI, microphone jack, and many others. If you settle on the connections required before ordering your console, it is possible to have those monuments factory built so the extensions cables come with the monument, you can also choose the length of the USB/network/other cables as well, making it easier for your IT department to set up the unit after our technicians installed your brand new consoles. You can choose between 2, 4, 6, and 8 connections per monuments, and can you have multiple monuments on your work surface, making the possibilities pretty much infinite. Lastly, we offer a wider variety of popups connectors for our technology conference tables as well. In those settings, you might want to have retractable cables ready to connect to certain devices or even cables that can be pulled out and back in easily. While the type of connections available is the same as with the console mentioned above, the positioning and the layout of the unit might be different than what we normally use with our consoles. In conclusion, the general idea is to use the monument for a quick or temporary / on and off connections. Cables that will remain permanently connected should not go on the monuments. As mentioned previously, those units are highly customizable and can be made to fit your specific needs, I highly recommend discussing those options with your Sustema representative when you are planning your project. Contact us if you have any questions regarding our monument options for control room consoles!
- What's The Difference Between Office Furniture & Technical Furniture?
One of the most challenging aspects of the technical furniture industry is explaining and understanding the difference between traditional office furniture and what we call “technical furniture”. Before I got into the world of technical control room furniture I wasn’t aware of the clear differences either. So what do we do when we don’t know much about a topic? We ask questions and do some research! What type of applications do I use technical furniture for? Technical furniture is to built to last a very long time and it is extremely durable. The purpose of technical furniture is for applications such as 911 Dispatch Centers, Control Rooms, Security Rooms, and many other 24/7 - 365 Critical applications. What is the difference in quality between traditional office furniture and technical furniture? There is a vast difference in quality. We have established that technical furniture is commonly used in 24/7 environments and are built to last. The frames for many consoles are made from high-grade steel and the work surfaces are made of high-pressure laminate. Typical office furniture frames are made from wood composites and the work surfaces are not high-pressure laminate which means they are not built for a highly IT-intensive environment. It is also interesting to know that most office furniture has short terms warranty while control room furniture specialists often offer a lifetime warranty on its workstations. How will my employees benefit from using Technical Furniture as Opposed to Office Furniture? A big difference between office furniture and technical furniture is ergonomics. Technical furniture is designed to meet or exceed the highest ergonomic standards due to the fact it is being used in critical 24/7 environments. Technical furniture offers the option of height-adjustable work surfaces, personal environmental systems, accommodates multiple users, personal storage, and other creature comforts that make the user feel at ease at their work station. I hope after reading this you are more informed and know more than you did about technical furniture. If you have any questions regarding this topic, feel free to contact us at or through our online chat tool during business hours.
- 911 Dispatch Workstations | PSAP Furniture
What is a dispatch workstation? Dispatch workstations, more commonly known as dispatch "consoles", are specialized furniture or desks made specifically for the needs of 911 emergency communication centers. Dispatch workstations are designed to handle multiple CPU monitors to support the work of 911 dispatchers who need to see their CAD software. GIS maps, and other data when assisting callers during emergencies. Dispatch workstations are made of highly resistant materials such as high-pressure laminated work surfaces and reinforced steel/aluminum structures to resist the wear and tear caused by 24/7 use. More often than not, dispatch consoles include ergonomic features such as height-adjustable surfaces for a sit/stand workflow, a personal climate control system, and integrated cable management systems to power the equipment used by operators (CPUs, radios, monitors, task lights). Pictures: Dispatch Workstations About Sustema Sustema has over 20 years of experience designing and manufacturing dispatch workstations for PSAPs in North America. Browse our dispatch furniture catalog or contact us by email at info@sustema for any questions or inquiries about our products. #911dispatchconsole #911dispatchworkstation #911dispatchfurniture #PSAP #meaning #definition #glossary #dictionary #whatis
- PES 360: The Personal Climate Control System
PES-360: Personal Environmental System Improve Workforce Productivity & Operator Comfort At Sustema we believe comfort is one of the strongest factors in productivity. People working long hours, making critical decisions at their consoles deserve to customize it to their liking. PES 360 gives you that and much more. The Personal Environment System 360 is a user-friendly experience at your fingertips. The control is a touch screen built into the surface that is easily accessible from your sitting or standing position in one of our height adjustable consoles. Personalize your work experience It is known that 60% of office complaints are about temperature. In any control room, you will have a wide variety of people in size, morphology, and gender, and not everyone agrees on what is the perfect temperature to work. PES 360 is a personal environmental system designed to optimize the work environment of operators/dispatchers. The user-friendly touch screen interface enables 911 dispatch operators to set their preferred settings for heaters, fans, and lights at the single touch of a button. The PES 360 is designed to seamlessly integrate with Sustema's 911 dispatch consoles. How PES-360 Adds Value: Heaters: Mounted at the lower base of the console, users can adjust the blowers, intensity, and temperature directly from the touch interface. Fans: The fan speed is controlled by the touchscreen interface and is integrated directly into the console surface. Lighting: PES 360 offers dimming functionality to your task light to better adapt to the user's environment. Task lights can be attached to monitor arms, the console surface, or on a rail mounting system. Memory Settings: Provides for the settings of up to 3 people to be saved per console Touch Screen Interface: Heating, cooling, and lighting with one simple hand control. In a 24/7 critical environment, there are commonly multiple people using the same console at different shifts. Ergonomics and comfort is a common theme in all of our consoles and PES 360 is a good representation of both. Our PES 360 is on display at the Sustema showrooms in Montreal and Toronto. We would like to invite you for a virtual tour to find out more about PES 360 along with our exciting lines of consoles. For more information please contact one of our Console Specialists by clicking here. We look forward to connecting soon. #deskclimatecontrol #personalenvironmentalsystem #climatecontrol #fans #heater #temperature #smartcontrol #touchscreen #sustema #ergonomics #iam11 #911dispatcher #psap #publicsaferty #controlroomconsoles #dispatchconsoles